Foundation on Research and Development is a scientific unit. We are working on the project of 3D bionic pancreas, which will revolutionize treatment of diabetes type I in Poland and the rest of the world. Thanks to a living organ printed in 3D bioprinter, it will be possible to transplant to a human being a living organ that is tailormade and to treat diabetes type I, a disease currently classified as incurable. It is estimated that there are ca. 3 million persons in Poland affected by diabetes and 200k of them are suffering from diabetes type I. Unfortunately, the number of persons that do not react positively to applied diabetes treatment therapies and develop dangerous complications is constantly increasing. Nowadays, the only method to cure the disease completely is to transplant pancreas or pancreatic islets. However, these methods are difficult and full of flaws such as permanent lack of organs for transplantations, chronic immunosuppression or the risk of surgical complications following pancreas transplantation. The solution to this problem is a tailormade pancreas – a fully functional organ created from stem cells of the patient and printed in 3D bioprinting technology. This is being worked on by the Polish scientists from the Foundation on Research and Science Development.

Projects, that we implement

Popularisation and promotion of science
Our activity is not only limited to research on bionic pancreas.
Since the establishment of the foundation, our scientist have been actively participating pro bono in scientific picnics, sharing their knowledge and experience with the young people encouraging them to undertake scientific adventure. We share our passion enabling talented young persons their further development and increasing their qualifications in the surrounding of the latest achievements of medical therapies at the world level. We believe that our country that can boast with highly qualified and creative scientists, may genuinely influence technological progress and development in the world.
Multidisciplinary team of leading experts
Foundation’s team comprises of talented and enthusiastic scientists with innovative, engaged and creative attitude such as biotechnologists, chemists, engineers, laboratory technologists as well as doctors and medical consultants under the supervision of the President of Scientific Board M.D. dr hab. Michał Wszoła, a transplantation surgeon, a visionary scientist with extensive experience in battle against complications following diabetes, the author of bionic pancreas.
Expert comments of our specialists are being quoted in most prestigious professional papers and current media space. As pioneers of pancreas bioprinting, we not only believe in success of our research but also actively promote healthy lifestyle in patient’s awareness.
We are proud to have been nominated to the title of Polish Science Ambassador in 2019 and 2020.

Prizes and distinctions
The Golden Leader of Healthcare 2019
Polish Intelligent Development Award 2016
Second prize in the Golden Scalpel
Award for the best poster at EPITA
„Order of distinction”
Ambassador of Polish Science

Statute of Foundation
Following an obligation imposed on public benefit organisation and in order to ensure full transparency of Foundation’s activity, we are publishing below our substantive and financial reports.