Thank you all very much for your time at our stand. See you next year!
The 23rd Science Picnic “We and the Machines” – “My i maszyny” is behind us! As many as 50 thousand science enthusiasts took part in the event. The interest of the stand of the Foundation exceeded our wildest expectations. The numerous visitors were shown demonstration of 3D printing, biotissue printing and bionic organ printed by our scientists.
The youngest participants of the Science Picnic were most interested in the children’s corner. We created a space especially for small explorers, where they could print their own spatial model using 3D pens. It was an extremely fascinating lesson of creative thinking and precision.

Competition: Design the pancreas of the future
Zadanie konkursowe polegało na opisaniu bądź narysowaniu odpowiedzi na pytanie: Jak wyobrażasz sobie wygląd wydrukowanej, bionicznej trzustki? Spośród wielu bardzo oryginalnych prac, komisja wyłoniła jednego głównego zwycięzcę i przyznała trzy wyróżnienia. Nagrodami dla laureatów są modele 3D, które zostały

3D print demonstrations:
3D print demonstrations were prepared and conducted by volunteers from the 3D Printing Students Research Circle of the Warsaw University of Technology.

Event organizers:

The children’s corner was organized with the support of Polaroid and SystemBANK companies, which lent us 3D pens and materials for printing. Thank you for your support and involvement in promoting science among the youngest. Together we stimulate imagination and make dreams come true.