HOW CAN YOU support US?

Nowadays there are technological solutions that enable what was the projection of the future in science fiction movies. We are extremely grateful to you for making this progress possible thanks to your support.
Thank you for helping the Foundation of Research and Science Development in changing the world for the better. Together we can more!

Traditional bank transfer

You can support the foundation by making direct donation to its bank account:


The Foundation of Research and Science Development

Al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 79A, (01-242) Warsaw, Poland

KRS: 0000323199

Bank Pekao S.A.

79 1240 5934 1111 0011 0311 8856

Title: 3D bioprinting of bionic pancreas

Permanent payment order

If you would like to change the world with us on a regular basis and have a real impact on life saving and treatment of diseases, we encourage you to support foundation’s activity regularly. Long-term aid shall enable us to plan and realise specific, further innovative projects, trainings, enhance qualifications of our employees as well as take part in international conferences and workshops. Bet on science already today and join our foundation’s team. Select an amount that you would like to donate on a regular basis to support our scientists and set permanent payment order in your bank.


Do you want to help us but you don’t know where to start? Create a fundraiser on Facebook and invite friends and family to support our business.
This way, you can easily help us collect the necessary funds and make the online community hear about our amazing projects. The collected amount will be fully transferred to the official Foundation account. We will devote it to achievement of our statutory goals.

  1. Click on button below.
  2. Specify how much money you want to collect and at what time
  3. Name the collection and write in the post why you want to support us
  4. Click create and invite your friends to help
  5. Ready!

1% tax from citizens in Poland

Tell your family and friends living in Poland about the possibility of transferring 1,5% tax to the Foundation of Research and Science Development and have your share in the medical revolution. By supporting scientific research, you have a real impact on saving human health and life. Help us change the world for the better and convince loved ones to invest their 1,5% tax in the development of Polish science. Thank you!

KRS 0000323199.
